Etchings         Institutions search term: grolier club

Resting by the Stove

Impression: Freer Gallery of Art
Freer Gallery of Art
Number: 372
Date: 1887
Medium: etching and drypoint
Size: 135 x 99 mm
Signed: butterfly at left
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: no
No. of States: 2
Known impressions: 2
Catalogues: K.338; M.338
Impressions taken from this plate  (2)


Resting by the Stove was never published.


It was first exhibited in 1900 when Charles Lang Freer (1856-1919) lent an impression to the exhibition organised by the Caxton Club in Chicago (Graphic with a link to impression #K3380202). Another impressions was shown at Obach & Co. in London in 1903. 8

After Whistler's death impressions were exhibited in the comprehensive exhibition at the Grolier Club in New York in 1904, again lent by Freer, and at the Whistler Memorial Exhibition in London in 1905, lent by John Charles Sigismund Day (1826-1908). 9

8: Chicago 1900 (cat. no. 338). London Obach 1903 (cat. no. 249).

9: New York 1904a (cat. no. 336); London Mem. 1905 (cat. no. 381).


Whistler sold an impression of what he called 'Resting Studio' on 21 December 1887 to the London print dealer, Thomas M. McLean (b. ca 1832) for £5.5.0; but this might be another study of a model. 10 However, it is also possible that this was the impression of the second state which was bought by Charles Lang Freer (1856-1919) from Dr James M. Hart on 1 October 1896 (Graphic with a link to impression #K3380202); this passed with the rest of his collection to the Freer Gallery of Art.

10: GUW #13017.

Whistler definitely sold an impression of 'Resting by the Stove' in September 1897 to H. Wunderlich & Co. of New York for £3.3.0. 11 This may have been the first state, which was owned at some time by both Henry Harper Benedict (1844-1935) and Harris G. Whittemore (d. ca 1937) before being bought by the Library of Congress (Graphic with a link to impression #K3380102).

11: Wunderlich's to Whistler, GUW #07287.