Etchings         Institutions search term: hunterian art gallery

Battersea: Early Morning

Impression: Freer Gallery of Art
Freer Gallery of Art
Number: 157
Date: 1875
Medium: etching and drypoint
Size: 115 x 229 mm
Signed: no
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: 'Cancelled Plates', 1879
No. of States: 3
Known impressions: 22
Catalogues: K.152; M.149; W.129
Impressions taken from this plate  (22)


Three states are known before cancellation.

State 1

Impression: K1520102
There is no signature or inscription.
The composition is mainly complete, in etching.

State 2

Impression: K1520202
Details are added in drypoint, for instance, clarifying the roofs on the buildings; horizontal lines are added on and to right of the dark warehouse/factory to left of centre, and shading covers a white patch on the smaller building to left of it; light horizontal lines behind the houses indicate sky; at far right, the railing and pier of a bridge are added, with the roof of a factory behind, which extends to the right edge; slanting lines indicate masts or a derrick with a rope dangling from them, at upper left; the jetty and small lighters or barges at left have been drawn in more detail but are still indistinct; new areas of drypoint shading are added on the water.

State 3

Impression: K1520302
More horizontal lines are added in the sky, notably around the two chimneys at right; strong short slanting lines are added in drypoint on the lighter, or barge, at left.

State 3 (cancelled)

Impression: K1520403
Cancelled with widely spaced crossed diagonal and vertical lines.
The drypoint has faded greatly.